Online consultation launched: Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers

Online consultation launched: Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers

Under embargo until 09:00 hrs on Tuesday 30 October 2018

Vitae is delighted that the Concordat Strategy Group (CSG) has launched a consultation to inform a revision of the Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers.

The report from the Independent Review Panel, published in September, made a strong case for how the Concordat can make a real difference in improving the environment and career development for researchers. It was felt however, that revisions are needed, to reflect how the research environment has changed over the last 10 years, and to ensure the Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers remains fit for the future.

The consultation provides an important opportunity to develop the pipeline of talent to ensure the UK maintains its leading position in research and innovation. Submissions are welcome from organisations and individuals, including all staff engaged in research, as well as those managing or supporting research and researchers. The consultation is open until 7 January 2019.

 “We encourage anyone who is involved in UK research to take this important opportunity to inform the revised Concordat to support our future generation of researchers” Professor Julia Buckingham, Vice-Chancellor and President, Brunel University London and Chair of the Concordat Strategy Group  

Concordat consultation survey

Supporting information and documents

Notes to Editors

About the Concordat to Support the Career development of Researchers

The Concordat was launched in 2008 to provide a framework to support the career development of researchers in UK universities and research institutes. The Concordat Strategy Group announced the independent ten-year to evaluate the progress made in implementing the principles and what policy interventions would be required to ensure an effective research system. Details of Concordat Strategy Group membership can be found here.

About Vitae

Vitae is the global leader in supporting the professional development of researchers, experienced in working with institutions as they strive for research excellence, innovation and impact.

Vitae provides the Secretariat to the CSG.

We are a non-profit programme, part of CRAC: the Career Development Organisation with nearly 50 years' experience in enhancing the skills and careers of researchers. We strengthen our members' institutional provision for the professional development of their researchers through research and innovation, training and resources, events, consultancy and membership.

CRAC provides research intelligence and innovation for all those who support career development for people of all ages and in all sectors. We work in partnership with government agencies, education organisations and providers and employers and professional bodies.

CRAC is a registered charity No 313164 established in 1964.


To learn more about this press release, please contact:

Sarah Nalden, Marketing & Communications Executive

22 Signet Court, Swanns Road, Cambridge, CB5 8LA

Mobile: 07739 542369