We are delighted to reveal the programme for the next Vitae Researcher Development International Conference on 17 and 18 September 2018. The conference will start with a focus on the global strategic and policy context for developing researchers and will open with Dr Michela Bertero, Head of International and Scientific Affairs at the Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG), talking about Open Science and how to engage researchers. Rebecca Endean, Strategy Director at UK Research and Innovation will explain how UKRI will continue to support the researcher talent pipeline. Professor David Bogle, Chair and Pro-Vice-Provost of the Doctoral School at University College London, will talk through the recommendations from the Independent Review of the Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers. Professor Julia Buckingham, Chair of the Concordat Strategy Group and Vice-Chancellor and President of Brunel University, will respond, focus on the future and announce the community consultation. The half plenary session on day one relates to postgraduate researchers and diversity in programmes and provision for researchers. It will include findings from a new study of doctoral destinations, 'What do Researchers Do?’ and sessions on why doctoral education matters for Europe and beyond. The other half plenary session focuses on the experiences and talent development of research staff and will feature talks about developing research leaders as well as advice on how to support early career academics. Day two opens with a plenary dedicated to the healthy research environment. Dr Janet Metcalfe, Head of Vitae will talk about creating environments for researchers to flourish. John de Pury, Assistant Director of Policy at Universities UK, will speak on taking a whole university approach to mental health. In the closing plenary we will hear from Alison Johns, Chief Executive at Advance HE, about working together to help higher education shape its future. Pat Thomson, Professor of Education at the University of Nottingham will challenge the audience to think about the academic researcher of the future. Look out for the launch of the workshops next week. |