Vitae News - 13 May 2019

Vitae News - 13 May 2019


Deadline extended for Vitae conference call for content

For those of you who haven’t had time to submit your proposal for the Vitae Researcher Development International Conference 2019, the call for content deadline has been extended until Wednesday 15 May at 5pm (UK) time.
Workshops and Special Interest Sessions (SIS) are an integral and popular part of the conference. They provide a useful springboard for sharing, getting feedback, and networking with like-minded professionals.
Proposals should relate to one or more of the conference themes. Collaborative and international submissions are warmly encouraged. 

Call for Content

VitaeChat: Raising the profile of researcher career development

Our next #vitaechat takes place on Wednesday 12 June from 12 noon until 1pm (UK time). It aims to bring together researcher developers and researchers to explore how to ensure that universities make the development of researchers, their career progression, and the culture and environment of research a priority.
Our expert panel will explore these questions and share tips, advice and examples of practice. They  will help answer questions such as:
  • what opportunities are there to work together to achieve this common goal?
  • what good examples are there that others can learn from?
  • is it possible to influence institutional decisions as a researcher?
  • how can researcher developers support and enable this?
The event is free of charge and you can register below:

Register for #Vitaechat


Resources for Mental Health Awareness Week

During Mental Health Awareness Week, you may find it useful to refer to some of our most popular pages on the topic, for researchers and those supporting them:

Vitae wellbeing & mental health page


Researcher Wellbeing & Mental Health leaflet

#vitaechat wellbeing & mental health of researchers

Focus-on work-life balance and well being

Staying positive during your doctorate

Exploring wellbeing & mental health & associated support services for PGR's