Connections: Getting to Grips 2019
The Connections: 'Getting to Grips' event provides insights, tools and tactics to make you more effective in a researcher development role. The event is for anyone who has recently taken on responsibility for supporting researchers in their professional development.
We welcome participants from anywhere in the world who have less than 18 months’ experience in supporting the professional development of researchers.
#VitaeChat: Raising the profile of researcher career development
Register for our #vitaechat on 12 June at midday, aiming to bring together researcher developers and researchers to explore opportunities to influence how researchers’ career development is prioritised by universities, including research culture and environment.
Careers in Research Online Survey (CROS), Principal Investigators and Research Leaders Survey (PIRLS)
CROS and PIRLS surveys will be running between 1 March and the 31 May this year and a range of useful documents for running the surveys can be found on our CROS and PIRLS web pages including how to set up CROS and PIRLS surveys, question sets, activity checklists and frequently asked questions.
'We want researchers to also think about going into other sectors'
Dr Janet Metcalfe, Head of Vitae, was recently interviewed by the European Commission after Vitae completed a EURAXESS EU funded project supporting intersectoral researcher mobility and career development last year.