Vitae News: Launch of Vitae Connections Week


Launch of Vitae Connections Week 2020 

 multicoloured human images round the globe

We are delighted to announce that the Vitae Researcher Development International Conference 2020 is being relaunched this year as ‘Vitae Connections Week’ a virtual event that will run from Monday 14 September until Thursday 17 September. 

The event programme is being developed as we speak and includes live-streamed keynote presentations allowing synchronous participation with a live questions and answers session. The opening plenary session will focus around researcher development for the pandemic and beyond. 

Plenaries around supporting doctoral researchers and supporting research staff, which traditionally, have been held as an either/or option, will run on separate days so that both can be attended, and the closing plenary will consider a research culture fit for the future. 

The Vitae 3MT ® competition 2020 final, sponsored by Taylor & Francis, will take place over lunchtime on Wednesday 16 September and we are currently testing ideas for more engagement with the competition than we have ever had before - details of which will be revealed in due course. 

T&F online

Small-group interactive workshop discussion sessions will be available to join and the call for content for ‘live’ submissions has been extended until Friday 17 July 2020. This is a good opportunity both to showcase the successes delivery of researcher development internationally, as well as an opportunity to test out new platforms for online engagement, with peers, in a safe environment, and consider the implications of COVID-19 for researcher development.  

Details about how to submit your innovative and interactive examples of practice, strategic approaches, evidence of impact, and emerging ideas can be found in the call for content button below. 

A specially adapted virtual exhibition will run throughout the event and scheduled roundtables with exhibitors will be available along with private messaging between participants and exhibitors through the conference app, ‘Bizzabo’. A virtual display of posters, videos, podcasts and more will be online and similarly, contributors can discuss their work at roundtable discussions or via the private messaging feature available. The call for ‘pre-prepared' content will also close on Friday 17 July 2020. 

In view of our current times, the programme has been designed to include family time and ‘time out’ between sessions. Participants will also have access to recordings of sessions and belong to the Vitae Connections Week virtual community, enabling discussions across time zones and borders.  

lady in headscarf

We hope you can join us and that we will see you online soon!