
Latest Vitae news and announcements

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Events and activities

Events and activities

Take a look at the latest events we are holding in 2023/2024 and check out the 2023/24 Vitae Annual Programme

Venue and dates have been announced for our annual flagship event the Vitae International Researcher Development Conference 2024 (#VitaeCon2024), an event for all those with an interest in the policy and practice of global researcher development.

Watch the Vitae Three Minute Thesis competition (3MT) 2023 broadcast

Policy updates

Policy updates

Latest Culture, Employment and Development in Academic Research Survey (CEDARS) aggregate results published September 2023

Submit a good practice proposal for the Researcher Development Concordat platform of practice

Find out more about the Culture, Employment and Development in Academic Research Survey - CEDARS that ran in 2021 and view CEDARS Aggregrate results 2021

Vitae blog

Vitae blog

Take a look at our blog where you will find topical and informative posts relating to the world of Vitae and researcher development.

Media coverage

Media coverage

Read a sample of the latest Vitae media coverage

Vitae news archives

Vitae news archives

Looking for something prior to this academic year? news articles dated back to before the current year can be accessed from this area.

News articles and press releases

European research project on researcher careers

New survey explores careers of postdoctoral researchers

Vitae Membership Commences 1 January 2015

From 1 January 2015, Vitae’s new membership subscription service will take effect. Over 100 UK organisations have already joined, and we look forward to an exciting year of innovation in support of researcher development.

New training materials for research staff

Research Staff Futures: Supporting institutional step change in provision for research staff

Focus on moving on and up for research staff

New campaign focuses on careers of research staff...

The role of the doctorate in professional careers

Calls are now open for contributions to a one day interdisciplinary conference on ‘The role of the doctorate in professional careers’.

Vitae membership update

We are pleased to announce the names of over 100 institutions who will become Vitae members in January 2015

Got 3 minutes to spare? Want to learn something new?

Find out what happened at the Three Minute Thesis Final last week!

New report on Understanding the recruitment and selection of postgraduate researchers

New report was published during the Vitae Researcher Development International Conference

What do research staff do next?

Preliminary findings from the 'What do research staff do next project?' indicate staff researchers leave academia in search of job security...

Congratulations to THE Awards shortlisted institutions

The Times Higher Education Awards Committee has confirmed the names of universities shortlisted for the Outstanding Support for Early Career Researchers.

Help us reach ex-researchers!

#PostAcStory survey

Final of the UK Three Minute Thesis (3MT® ) competition

An 80,000 word thesis would take 9 hours to present. Their time limit... 3 minutes

Vitae Conference announcement

We have just confirmed the following developments, which will be introduced at the Conference in September

Prize confirmed for the winner of the Three Minute Thesis UK Competition

An 80,000 word thesis would take 9 hours to present. Their time limit... 3 minutes

Become a Vitae member

Vitae is now inviting research organisations and universities to become Vitae members.

Meet the speakers at the CRAC’s 50th Anniversary

It’s just under two weeks until CRAC, Vitae’s parent organisation celebrates its 50th anniversary with a major careers event in Cambridge.

First look at Vitae Conference workshops and speakers

We are pleased to announce the first speakers and workshops confirmed at the Vitae Researcher Development International Conference taking place between the 9-10 September.

Senior and early career researchers wanted for review panel

The British Council are looking for researchers who would like to broaden their experience of peer review

Do you have any colleagues or employees who used to be university researchers?

New survey investigates what research staff do when they move out of academia

Meet the 19 external peer reviewers who will evaluate the UK HR Excellence in Research process

Today, Vitae is delighted to announce the names of 19 peer reviewers, selected for their complementary experience and expertise, who will undertake the external review of UK institutions’ progress and plans

Two more UK universities gain the HR Excellence in Research Award

Today Vitae confirms that two more UK universities have gained the HR Excellence in Research Award from the European Commission.

Book now on Vitae regional events

...including a networking day for Midlands staff researchers, new career workshop for East of England staff researchers and Train the Trainer workshop for staff developers in South West and Wales and Midlands...

Invitation to CRAC’s 50th Anniversary

On 14 -15 July, CRAC, Vitae’s parent organisation is celebrating its 50th anniversary by hosting a major careers event in partnership with NICEC (the National Institute for Career Education and Counselling)

Inviting the researcher voice to Vitae's Open Space

Fee-exempt places for 6 researchers to attend the Vitae Open Space event, 19 June

JISC competition offers 5k to improve student life

Competition is open to postgraduate researchers

New career case studies published

RCUK has published research career case studies, designed to inspire those who are considering research as an occupation

Call for Vitae Conference programme content

Deadline to submit your workshop proposals is 16 June

Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) UK competition

1 slide, no props, 3 minutes…

Your enterprise questions answered

Follow-up to how to start a business after your PhD? Hangout

‘Growing the best and brightest: the drivers of research excellence’

Vitae welcomes a new independent report commissioned by The Department for Business, Innovation & Skills (BIS)

THE Awards are now open for entries

Now in their tenth year, the Times Higher Education Awards will be looking for outstanding examples of best practice during the 2012-13 academic year.

Cancer Research UK - new Concordat signatory

Vitae is delighted to announce that the Cancer Research UK has become the latest organisation to sign the Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers.

Working conditions and career development included in latest H2020 grant agreement

On 26 March the European Commission published a number of additional articles to the draft Horizon 2020 Grant Agreement.

Meet our Enterprise panelists...

Join researchers turned successful entrepreneurs for our first free #vitae14 Hangout on 20 March (Thursday) from 2pm GMT! Katie Wheat (of #ECRchat) will be joined by entrepreneurs, founders and educators spanning high-tech to social enterprise to discuss how to take the first steps towards building your own business and being more enterprising in your research.

The European Commission publishes report on certification for HR management of researchers

In 2013 the European Commission launched a feasibility study into the development of a certification mechanism for human resources management in Europe.

49 UK universities have demonstrated their continuing commitment to researcher development retaining the European Commission’s HR Excellence in Research Award at the two year stage.

Focus on Enterprise!

Seize opportunities to practise an enterprising mindset this March!

Welcome to the first phase of our new website

Today we are releasing the first phase of the new Vitae website.

HR Excellence in Research Award External Review

External review for UK announced, EURAXESS Roadshow

Understanding the recruitment and selection of postgraduate research students

CRAC (the Careers Research & Advisory Centre) and Vitae, supported by the International Centre for Guidance Studies at the University of Derby and in collaboration with the UKCGE, are commencing research work on behalf of HEFCE. This will gather qualitative information to build a picture, from an HE institutional perspective, of the market for prospective postgraduate research (PGR) students in England, how they are recruited and selected, and their role in the HE research base.

Happy New Year from Vitae!

With the new year fast approaching, we would like to take a few moments to highlight the upcoming developments for 2014 and reflect on our achievements this year.

International opportunities for researchers from the British Council

With the New Year fast approaching, Euraxess is calling on Early Career Researchers globally to apply for their Researcher Links workshops, taking place in 2014.

JSPS London Postdoctoral Fellowship for Foreign Researchers

Application Deadline: Thursday 5 December 2013 Fellowships must start between 1 May 2014 to 31st March 2015.

Research Council Common Terminology for Postgraduate Training

Research Councils UK (RCUK) has (7 August) set out Common Terminology for the different approaches to funding postgraduate training taken by the seven Research Councils to provide clarity and consistency for postgraduate students and higher education institutions.

Themes, initiatives and discussions at the Vitae Researcher Development International Conference 2013

We are delighted that a number of new initiatives, research and projects are being announced or discussed at the Vitae conference this year.

Doctoral graduates more "recession proof" says new Vitae report

Analysis of research into the employment situations of doctoral, masters and first degree graduates suggests those with a doctoral qualification are more "recession proof" than those with other qualifications.

New report finds improvements in the management of researchers across Europe

'HR Strategies for Researchers report' reviews plans set out by universities and research funders across Europe to improve the working conditions and career development of researchers as part of the ‘HR Excellence in Research' Award process.

UK sets out position as the European Commission consults on a certification for HR management of researchers

Professor Sir Adrian Smith has written a letter to the Commissioner,on behalf of the Concordat Strategy Group, which sets out the final UK position statement in response to the HR certification proposed by the European Commission.

New HEFCE reports on factors that influence postgraduate enrolment

Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) has today published a review showing students' economic background, school history and undergraduate institution all play a role in determining levels of enrolment at postgraduate level.

RCUK unveils expectations for doctoral training support

Research Councils UK (RCUK) has today (17 June) unveiled its Statement of Expectations for Doctoral Training, which sets out common principles for the support of all Research Council-funded students.

12 UK universities retain their HR Excellence in Research Awards

Today Vitae confirms that 12 UK institutions have successfully retained their HR Excellence in Research Award from the European Commission. The Award demonstrates a university's commitment to improving the working conditions and career development for research staff, which will in turn improve the quantity, quality and impact of research for the benefit of UK society and the economy.

Meet the Vitae Researcher Development Action Group

Vitae announced the members of the new Vitae Researcher Development Action Group at the Vitae Policy Forum which took place on the 30/31 January in Birmingham. The new group will build upon the excellent work of Vitae's Research Staff Development Advisory Group (ReSDAG) and will serve to provide focus on refining the ideas for the future progress on the step-change in research staff development plus provide ongoing support for PGRs.

Employabilty for researchers

Take 230 researchers, 17 HEIs, 17 employers mix them all together and what do you get?

What happened next?

What happened next?

Vitae, reflections past and future

Vitae and the Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers were launched together in 2008. This signalled continuation of our work with doctoral researchers under the UK GRAD Programme, and also an expansion of our activities to include research staff in higher education.

New programme to develop entrepreneurship

The Entrepreneurs and Education Programme was officially launched today by Minister for Business and Enterprise, Michael Fallon.

Midlands Hub and Midlands Energy Consortium joint event is a success

The Vitae Midlands Hub in collaboration with the Midlands Energy Consortium ran a Digital Researcher Event on 19th October. Over 30 researchers from across the UK attended the workshop to learn and understand more about how social media can be used by researchers. Emma Gilaspy (@vitaenwhub) and Tristram Hooley (@pigironjoe) facilitated the day and provided useful and interesting tips on managing your digital profile and making the most of the digital environment for your research.

The UK Council for Graduate Education and Vitae are pleased to confirm strengthened collaboration.

UKCGE and Vitae are the two leading UK organisations concerned with postgraduate education and researcher development respectively. Vitae works with higher education institutions to build and strengthen personal, professional and career development for early career researchers, including doctoral students and works directly with colleagues in institutions, providing strategic and practical resources to implement relevant policy and good practice. UKCGE supports all levels of postgraduate education, focusing on the student experience and providing updates for academic and administrative staff about policy development and good practice in the postgraduate sector.

DELNI, HEFCW and SFC confirm support for Vitae

We are delighted to confirm that the Department for Employment and Learning in Northern Ireland, the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales and the Scottish Funding Council now join the Higher Education Funding Council for England and Research Councils UK to support Vitae from 2013.