“Although the number of researchers in the EU has been increasing since 2000 at a faster rate than in the United States and Japan, we still lag behind when it comes to the share of researchers in the workforce.” Commissioner Maire Geoghegan-Quinn
- Survey of researchers in research performing organisations
- Survey of intersectorally mobile researchers
- Survey of institutional practice
- Survey of employers’ needs
EURAXIND participant consent and anonymity
Survey of researchers in research performing organisations
This is a survey of current researcher needs and motivations, particularly their understanding of job opportunities in other employment sectors, their understanding of the researcher competencies valued by employers and their knowledge of how to successfully engage with and promote themselves to industry.
The outcomes of the survey will be used to inform the development of the resources for the Industry career development module, particularly a series of information, advice, tips and examples of how researchers can promote themselves to industry. The findings will also feed into the dissemination workshops.
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Survey of intersectorally mobile researchers (PhD graduates employed outside academia)
This is a survey for researchers who are working outside the academic sector in other employment sectors. It aims to gain an understanding of researchers who have pursued their research career outside academia, including their motivations for making this intersectional transition, how they achieved this and what had been (or would have been) most helpful in terms of the resources available to them. Additionally, it explores the competencies that these researchers their employers most value and how useful their experience of working in academia and the competencies they had developed in academia is in their current occupation.
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Survey of institutional practice
This is a survey of EURAXESS institutional staff, who are key stakeholders in the process of collaboration between academia and industry. This survey will reveal the extent of current activities relating to industry engagement and the intersectoral mobility of researchers. It will explore the experiences and needs of EURAXESS staff to attract more employers to the EURAXESS portal and particularly the jobs portal. It will give a clear view of institutional needs for improvement of academia and industry cooperation and will identify potential new opportunities in this process.
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Survey of employers’ needs
This survey aims to identify employers’ needs and best practice with respect to their demand for high-level skills and collaborations. It will ensure that the Employer Engagement Toolkit, one of the project's deliverables, is fully informed by current industry needs. The survey of employers has been developed and informed by the outcomes of the literature review and by previous European projects. A key part of the survey will be to extract information on the cultural and information barriers for employers in recruiting researchers and interacting with research performing organisations.