Where to find academic jobs
Finding academic jobs to apply for has never been easier, using all the websites listed below. But don’t forget the power of your own network.
Individual institutions
Most universities and research institutes will list the vacancies they have
EURAXESS - Researchers in Motion is a unique European initiative. It provides access to information and support services for researchers wishing to pursue their research careers in Europe or stay connected to it
Search international jobs in academic employment. Subscribe by Email or upload your CV. The first port of call for many in the UK (see a live feed of relevant jobs here)
US biased but with opportunities globally. Easy to search
Nature Jobs
The world’s largest dedicated science jobs board. Advertising international science jobs
New Scientist
New Scientist Jobs brings you all the latest science, technology and engineering jobs from across the UK and Europe
Find a university job
Quite UK biased but with European vacancies too
Find a postdoc
FindAPostDoc is Europe's only web site dedicated solely to postdoctoral job opportunities