Arnaud Miege
"Before I started my doctorate, I knew that I wanted a career in industry. As a French national working in the UK, I was able to count my studies in articulated vehicle safety as part of my national service requirement.
"After my PhD, I had a short postdoctoral research position at Nottingham University to tide me over and finish things off. I then worked as a project engineer at QinetiQ, for two years before joining The MathWorks. My present role, with a leading global provider of engineering software, consists of helping customers to identify how our software can address their engineering challenges.
"Although I never wanted an academic career, I do not regret doing a doctorate as the knowledge gained and hands-on experience have proved useful in subsequent roles. It also helped me to develop problem-solving and project management skills.
"Some employers in the industry do not value a doctorate as much as industrial experience, so you have a tough job selling yourself. In the longer term, if you want to pursue a technical career, having a doctorate and the experience and skills that it provides should be an advantage."