Questions to Consider
Senior Managers
- What national and international policy initiatives matter to your institution?
- Are there areas that as an institution you need to develop?
- How can these be mapped to the RDF and the Concordat?
- Consider how the RDF can be embedded across your institution
- Encourage all staff to use the RDF – not just early career researchers
- Review your HR practice and consider using the RDF for appraisals, induction etc.
- Role of the RDF and Concordat for equality, diversity and inclusion.
Researcher developers and those supporting researchers
- Review your practice against the RDF – what opportunities and training are you providing?
- Map all your training activities to the Vitae RDF - Which descriptors are included and are your objectives clear?
- Use the RDF to carry out a training needs analysis for your institution
- Use the RDF as a basis for measuring impact of your training
Individual Researchersg
- Analyse and benchmark skills against the RDF
- Decide on priority areas to work on, set SMART targets and monitor
- Collect evidence of your skills against the RDF demonstrating your expertise as a researcher and preparing you for future roles.