Call for Expressions of Interest for the Vitae Researcher Development Framework (RDF) Working Group


As part of the RDF evolution work we are calling for Expressions of Interest (EoI) to participate in the new Vitae RDF Working Group. This group will collaborate to bring together community knowledge and experience of using the RDF in practice to guide and support the framework’s evolution. The group will:  

  • Share their experiences of using the RDF and applying it in practice
  • Inform priorities for the evolution of the framework
  • Undertake activity to revise the RDF
  • Provide feedback on drafts developed to evolve the framework 
  • Help Vitae liaise and develop relationships with stakeholders invested in the evolution of the framework
  • Act as an ambassador for the revised RDF

It is expected that the group will meet monthly online before launching the revised Vitae Researcher Development Framework (RDF) in Summer 2024.   

Through this group we endeavour to bring together diverse views representative of the Vitae community, in terms of current role, experience, institution type, demographic and geography. Where there are gaps in representation, we will seek perspectives beyond the Working Group. 

The researcher voice has been an important perspective for developing the RDF from the very beginning, and so we especially invite doctoral researchers and research staff to contribute to the working group. We would be grateful if you could please share this opportunity with your researcher communities.  

The deadline for expressions of interest in the Vitae RDF Working Group was Friday 15 December 2023 with the first meeting to follow in January (date tbc). Thanks to those who have already expressed your interest in supporting the Vitae RDF evolution, we will be in touch on next steps. 

If you have any questions, please contact