Supporting researchers’ professional development

Whatever your role in supporting researchers’ professional development, Vitae resources can help. Training materials, research, advice and practice-sharing. Resources to support your own career development. Login or register for best access.

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Practical resources for researcher developers

Practical resources for researcher developers

There's so much on the site. Try our orientation page Practical resources for researcher developers, featuring... training courses, handouts, case studies, publications, videos, presentations and more

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Your own professional development

Your own professional development

Career Framework for Researcher Developers (CFRD)

Build your knowledge through Vitae publications. Build your network through Vitae events, Community and through our Membership Directory

Vitae Researcher Development Framework (RDF)

Vitae Researcher Development Framework (RDF)

A comprehensive professional development framework tailored to researchers. Design and evaluate development programmes. Inspire and empower researchers

About the RDF for researcher developers

RDF-related resources

RDF Planner - our online app is available by subscription

Resources for getting started

Resources for getting started

PDP ROC. Online course for researchers. Get started on professional development.

Induction resources for you to use with new doctoral researchers.

Vitae members' area

Supporting materials for PIs and leaders of research

Preparing for leadership programme to run with research staff

Other opportunities

Other opportunities

Read about CROS and PIRLS results in Five Steps Forward

Vitae supports member institutions to engage in the HR Excellence in Research UK process

Three Minute Thesis Member organisations can participate in the international Vitae 3MT competition