Vitae poll: mentoring and coaching for researchers

Mentoring and coaching each aim to help an individual clarify their goals and/or improve their self-awareness, skills or knowledge. Both approaches use conversations in a one-to-one or sometimes in a group setting. While you can distinguish between them, the terms are often used interchangeably.

As part of our focus on mentoring and coaching for researchers we asked you how this approach is being used by and for researchers and what the benefits can be.

Mentors and coaches for researchers and researchers who’d like to be mentored or coached say career guidance is top of the wish list, while researchers in coaching or mentoring relationships say they’ve benefitted most from increased self-awareness, confidence and motivation.

The mismatch might be because so many mentors or coaches are not confident to give career support and/or because researchers find that coaching or mentoring gives them something they didn’t know they needed.

Click on the links below to see the full results of our polls. Members, please register/sign-in with your university email to view the results. 

I’m a mentor/coach for researchers

I’m a researcher being mentored or coached

I’m a researcher who’d like to be mentored or coached