The Path to Research Leadership in Africa
Wellcome and Accelerating Excellence in Science in Africa (AESA) have jointly commissioned Vitae to explore the landscape of research leadership and associated training programmes available across Africa.
Executive Summary: The Path to Research Leadership in Africa
Read the 15 recommendations to all stakeholders, to accelerate world-class research, foster innovation, build linkages with policy makers and promote scientific leadership in Africa.
Research methodology
Research methodology Vitae gathered views from 330 research leaders, early and middle career researchers, research managers, senior management, and funders via focus groups, in depth interviews, an online survey across 25 countries in Africa and a comprehensive literature review.
Report: The Path to Research Leadership in Africa
Read the full report of this study on how they can play their part in developing the next generation and building the capacity and capability of current African research leaders.
Appendices: The Path to Research Leadership in Africa
The appendices include detailed and interesting information around the literature review; case studies; outcomes of interviews, focus groups and survey that took place.