List of guides, briefings and information

Vitae ERC Don't put me in a box, 30 individual case study cards, D3 2011

Vitae Every Researcher Counts: Don't put me in a box, 30 individual case study cards based on real situations that can be used to stimulate discussion and facilitate understanding of actual equality and diversity issues when managing researchers

Vitae ERC Equality Challenge Unit guidance on case study situations that researchers experience resource D scenario 1

Guidance on the implications of arranging a group meeting from an equality and diversity perspective.

Vitae ERC Equality Challenge Unit guidance on case study situations that researchers experience resource A scenario 1

Guidance on a discussion scenario in which a researcher with three young children is struggling with her workload and wishes to explor flexible working.

Vitae ERC Equality Challenge Unit guidance on case study situations that researchers experience resource D scenario 2

Guidance on considering equality and diversity in offering development opportunities to members of your team

Vitae ERC Equality Challenge Unit guidance on case study situations that researchers experience resource A scenario 2

Guidance on a discussion scenario in which a disabled researcher who uses a wheelchair wishes to explore adaptations and adjustments to enable effective working.

Vitae ERC Equality Challenge Unit guidance on case study situations that researchers experience resource D scenario 3

Guidance on ensuring a strategic planning day is inclusive, from an equality and diversity perspective.

Vitae ERC Equality Challenge Unit guidance on case study situations that researchers experience resource A scenario 3

Guidance on a discussion scenario considering the implications of a gay researcher attending a conference in a country in which homosexuality is illegal.

Vitae ERC Equality Challenge Unit guidance on case study situations that researchers experience resource D scenario 4

Guidance on reducing the size of a department from an equality and diversity perspective.

Vitae ERC Equality Challenge Unit guidance on case study situations that researchers experience resource A scenario 4

Guidance on a discussion scenario considering the implications of two women in a same sex relationship who wish to share maternity leave.

Vitae ERC Equality Challenge Unit guidance on case study stuations that researchers experience resource D scenario 5

Guidance on planning for a one-to-one meeting with a team member from an equality and diversity perspective.