Library of resources for researcher developers

A library of researcher development resources for use by staff supporting researchers. Access to this content is for Vitae members only. So that we can recognise you, please log in or register using your organisational email address.

Vitae Academic Writing Styles

A downloadable zip file containing an example 'Academic Writing Styles' 90 min skills session for Vitae's 'Part-Time Researcher' researcher development programme

Vitae Accessing Information

A downloadable zip file containing an example 'Accessing Information' 90 min skills session for Vitae's 'Part-Time Researcher' researcher development programme

Vitae Careers in Academia

A downloadable PDF file containing the materials to deliver Vitae's 'Careers in Academia' researcher development programme

Vitae Collaborative Researcher

A downloadable zip file containing the materials to deliver Vitae's 'Collaborative Researcher' researcher development programme

Vitae Discovering Innovation and Intrapreneurship

A downloadable zip file containing the materials to deliver Vitae's 'Discovering Innovation and Intrapreneurship' researcher development programme

Vitae Effective Researcher 3: The next 90 days

A downloadable zip file containing the materials to deliver Vitae's 'Effective Researcher: The next 90 days' researcher development programme

Vitae Effective Researcher 4: Effective Progress

A downloadable zip file containing the materials to deliver Vitae's 'Effective Researcher: Effective Progress' researcher development programme

Vitae Effective Researcher 1: Getting Started

A downloadable zip file containing the materials to deliver Vitae's 'Effective Researcher: Getting Started' researcher development programme

Vitae Effective Researcher 2: How to be an effective researcher

A downloadable zip file containing the materials to deliver Vitae's 'Effective Researcher: How to be an effective researcher' researcher development programme